Monitor Prawniczy

no. 22/2022

Axiological assumptions of Regulation on succession No. 650/12

DOI: 10.32027/MOP.22.22.4
Paweł Rafałowicz
Autor jest adiunktem w Wyższej Szkole Bankowej we Wrocławiu, radcą prawnym i mediatorem; ORCID:0000-0003-3893-1014 .

The Recitals to the Regulation on succession No. 650/12 outline the objectives of this legal act. These are: the free movement of persons, the organisation in advance by citizens of their succession in a EU context and the protection of the rights of heirs and legatees and of persons close to the deceased, as well as of the creditors of the succession. The first of those objectives is a EU value, whereas others are universal values of inheritance law. Thus, the conflict-of-laws rules contained in the Regulation on succession No. 650/12 should reinforce the implementation of values forming the axiological core of the substantive norms of inheritance law.