Monitor Prawniczy
no. 7/2019
Cumulation of a contractual penalty for delay with a contractual penalty for withdrawal
DOI: 10.32027/MOP.19.7.6
Autor jest adiunktem w Zakładzie Prawa Cywilnego i Prawa Międzynarodowego Prywatnego
WPAiE Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.
The article focuses on the issue whether it is admissible to cumulate a contractual penalty for delay and a contractual penalty for withdrawal from a contract. The issue is extremely important in the practice of business transactions. It has also been the subject of decisions of common courts and the Supreme Court many times. The article refers directly to the judgment of the Supreme Court of 14.6.2018, V CSK 534/17. However, it questions the position expressed in many other judgments of the Supreme Court, namely that it is generally impossible to claim both above-mentioned contractual penalties at the same time.