Monitor Prawniczy

no. 22/2019

Rights relating to automated decision-making under GDPR, the Banking Law and the Insurance and Reinsurance Act

Katarzyna Syska
Autorka jest adwokatem współpracującym z kancelarią prawną Traple Konarski Podrecki i Wspólnicy.

The article discusses the rights relating to automated decision-making, i.e. the right to get explanations as to the reasons for a decision that has been taken and the right to get human intervention on the part of the controller, to express one’s own opinion and to contest the decision. The article analyzes the provisions of the GDPR, the Polish Banking Law and the Insurance and Reinsurance Act. As regards the right to get explanations as to the reasons for a decision, the article presents different interpretations of this right and different views as to when it applies. With respect to the right to get human intervention on the part of the controller, to express one’s own opinion and to contest the decision, the author believes that this is one compound right rather than three separate ones.

Key words:personal data protection, personal data, GDPR, automated decision-making, right to meaningful information, right to explanation of the reasons for a decision, right to get human intervention on the part of the controller, to express one’s own opinion and to contest the decision

Słowa kluczowe: ochrona danych osobowych, dane osobowe, RODO, zautomatyzowane podejmowanie decyzji, prawo do uzyskania istotnych informacji, prawo do uzyskania wyjaśnień co do podstaw podjętej decyzji, prawo do uzyskania interwencji ludzkiej ze strony administratora, do wyrażenia własnego stanowiska i do zakwestionowania tej decyzji