Monitor Prawniczy

no. 22/2019

Amendment of the Act on re-use of public sector information adjusting it to the provisions of the GDPR

Dominik Sybilski
asystent w Zakładzie Prawa Administracyjnego, Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN

Public sector information made available or provided for re-use may contain personal data. Re-use of public sector information may therefore involve the processing of personal data. This means that the exploitation of information available both from public sources or provided on request will be subject to two regulatory regimes, i.e. the provisions of the Act on re-use of public sector information and personal data protection regulations. The amendment introduced by the provisions on the application of the GDPR have been intended to facilitate the exercise of the right to re-use while respecting the right to protection of personal data.

Key words: public sector information, re-use, personal data, processing, personal data protection, privacy, open data

Słowa kluczowe: informacja sektora publicznego, ponowne wykorzystywanie, dane osobowe, przetwarzanie, ochrona danych osobowych, prywatność, jawność