The article discusses changes of provisions regulating so-called accelerate proceedings, i.e. those separate proceedings which have been introduced to the Code of Civil Procedure in order to make consideration of cases covered by their scope more efficient and speedy. First, the regulations of the payment order and writ-of-payment proceedings in the new amended wording have been presented. Evaluating their actual scope it has been noted that the majority of changes was of an ordering and systematizing nature, i.e. as a matter of principle they did not affect the character and form of the above-mentioned proceddings. Then, the changes introduced in simplified proceedings have been discussed, which have a crucial and fundamental character (among others, waiver of the prohibition to allow expert witness evidence and the obligation to use forms, as well as extension of admissible judicial assessment, restoration of the model of full appeal in the proceedings before the court of second instance and introduction of the category of “trivial” cases). As regards the new form of accelerated proceedings, the article attempts to answer the question as to how the amendment of the Code of Civil procedure affects exercise of the right to a trial.