Monitor Prawniczy

no. 23/2017

Non-copyright protection of scientific research findings, hypotheses and theories

Marcin Kłoda
Autor jest adwokatem partnerem Kłoda Narkiewicz-Jodko sp. p. Adwokaci w Warszawie.

The article discusses non-copyright means for legal protection of scientific research findings, hypotheses and theories. Copyright protection is extended to these only as far as the form of presentation is concerned. Scientific research findings, hypotheses and theories may be protected under unfair competition statutes, notably as proprietary information. Most importantly, a person’s scientific work encompassed in research findings, hypotheses and theories corresponds with their personality rights as long as it is a product of an intellectual effort capable of independent existence and has a genuinely scientific nature. Such person may then demand, in particular, recognition of their authorship and keeping their work undeformed.